Will Things Come to a MAGA Coup Head in Nov-Jan in USA?

Think about it? Trump is boxed into the corner having a 34-count criminal conviction plus a pile of criminal indictments against him, and his only way out is to be elected president so he can pardon himself. So far, time has been on his side, as he has been able to bleed donations out of his MAGA GOP supporters to fund his legal expenses, while at the same time he has been playing the judicial system to the max by means of the politicized federal judges he appointed to the Supreme Court and the District & Appellate courts. And Trump and his sycophant MAGA GOP elected officials keep saying they won’t ever accept the 2020 election results, and don’t intend to accept the 2024 election results if it shows Trump lost again. This anti-Constitutional illegal approach being fostered by MAGA GOP at all levels from Trump on down is being promoted and cheered on by Trump who keeps telling his followers that they have to FIGHT-FIGHT-FIGHT LIKE HELL, WITH ALL THEIR MIGHT, AND NEVER GIVE UP OR GIVE IN. So where does that leave US as Trump & Vance are continually fomenting hate among their MAGA GOP supporters who are embroiled with this deep hate founded on warped Christian nationalism used to channel their strong racist, xenophobic and misogynistic feelings against our diverse society. And the MAGA GOP is led by Trump and his ilk to mock the idea of DEI, rejecting the founding concepts of the US, such as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. And the MAGA GOP platform is anti-WOKE/pro-IGNORANCE because they want to bury historical facts of the gross injustices and prejudices that occurred in our nation’s past (e.g., African American & Native Americans), that still lingers at unacceptable levels in varying degrees throughout our nation. Also part of the MAGA GOP anti-WOKE platform, is their rejection of good science as it relates to the Climate Crisis and disease/pandemic prevention (e.g., anti-vax). Given all of this, it really is hard to believe that this will all end well in Nov-Jan 2024 when one considers that the MAGA GOP supporters make up about a third or more of the US voting population.

So what should we anticipate and hope for now in the coming months, culminating in November-January, now that we know President Biden has dropped out of the presidential race, and has endorsed his VP Kamala Harris to take his place as the Democratic presidential nominee? First of all, the official process of Harris being nominated at the August 19-22 Democratic National Committee Convention (DNC) in Chicago needs to occur. And at that time, and more likely well before, Kamala Harris has to choose a VP running mate. With Harris having already received DNC delegate pledges for the nomination, it is essentially already a foregone conclusion that she is the presumptive DNC presidential nominee. Although Biden is no longer a presidential candidate, he fully intends to serve the balance of his term in office until January 20, and he also plans to remain active in the DNC election campaign as it relates to Harris and her chosen VP, and all the down ballot Democratic campaigns, especially as it relates to the US Congress and state governors.

Considering that there was a MAGA GOP Insurrection Coup Attempt as orchestrated by Trump that occurred on January 6, 2021 in an attempt to obstruct and overthrow the Constitutionally & legally mandated transfer of power to the duly elected 2020 President & VP (Biden & Harris), there is even greater reason now to expect that another Trump led MAGA GOP Insurrection/Coup Attempt will take place again following the 2024 Nov election if the Democrats win again. In anticipation of this likely second Insurrection/Coup Attempt by Trump MAGA GOP, President Biden, as our Commander in Chief must be fully prepared to defeat such an attempt to the fullest extent necessary, including the Proclamation of an Emergency/Executive Order under the Insurrection Act, which will need to stay in force until law and order is restored, and the completion of the transfer of power to the duly elected President & VP is officially certified by Congress and the Inauguration is held. This has not been discussed much in the MSM (main stream media), because nobody wants to broach this frightening topic, but it really should be given forethought, especially by the US Executive Branch (President & VP), the US Military & FBI, and the state governors (& DC Mayor), and US national guard, and state & local police forces. If a major revolt was to occur in opposition to the election results, the federal & state governments have the obligation to defend the Constitution and uphold law & order, and protect people & property to the greatest extent possible. If civil unrest (= “the emergency”) occurs to the extent that the completion of the transfer of power to the new duly elected President & VP cannot occur, it will be necessary for the current president (Biden) to remain in office and continue the Emergency Proclamation (with curfews, etc) until the matter is resolved (transfer of power completed), or for worst case scenario, a new election takes place under strict agreed upon guidelines between qualified political candidates. Although often a painful process, other nations (mostly developing/under developed nations) have dealt with this situation in order to resolve elections that have been disputed for legitimate (or illegitimate) reasons, in order to reestablish national government leadership. Of course, as we know from past history (distant & more recent), some Insurrections/Coup Attempts are successful, as the nation’s current governmental leadership is forcefully taken over by autocratic or semi-autocratic regimes, including military coups, or oligarchic coups.

So in essence, we don’t know what’s in store for US in Nov-Jan or period thereafter, but thank God Biden won in 2020 and was certified and installed as our President so Trump wasn’t given a second chance to destroy our US democracy. And thank God Biden chose Harris as his VP, and thank God he decided at this time to drop out of the presidential race as he was receiving so much pressure from DNC members and major donors, and quite possibly could have lost the election if he remained as the presidential nominee. Also thank God that Biden has committed to remain in office to fully complete his term as president. Hopefully, Kamala Harris and her chosen VP running mate will clearly win the 2024 election, so if Trump MAGA GOP attempts to dispute the election results, and perhaps again tries launching an Insurrection/Coup Attempt, there will be sound reasons for the Biden & Harris Administration to issue an Emergency Proclamation/Executive Order, and do what is necessary to restore law & order. The President has the right, the authority, and obligation to issue such an Emergency Order to defend the Constitution and the Nation and its inhabitants for an emergency declaration under the Insurrection Act, and the other two branches of government (judicial & legislative) do not. Besides voting and encouraging others to do the same, we should hope and pray that the MAGA GOP do NOT win elections and gain control of federal & state offices of any kind from the top on down, especially offices of the President and governors, and the US & state congresses (House of Representatives & Senates), and local offices  (including school boards). We all pray that great civil unrest does not erupt during the next six months and beyond, but if it does, those in power (President & governors & DC Mayor), need to PLAN, PREPARE & ACT accordingly to defend and protect our nation and its Constitution, democracy, people and property to the greatest extent needed and possible, and do not let US get defeated by the Trump MAGA GOP Insurrectionists.

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